The Stratton's went bowling! And it was so much fun. We all got together...My mom and dad, Corrina and Aaron, Mindie & her boyfriend Justin, Steve :), and Matthew and I and the girls. What a blast to all be together again. We were celebrating Mindie's birthday, but halfway through, Corrina had Steven get into a Barney costume she had rented and make an appearance for Mattie who has lately been obsessed with Barney, and I have no idea why. We don't even watch the show???!!! Anyways, Corrina a few weeks ago, told Mattie that Barney is her neighbor and that she could meet him when we came up. So, she made Mattie's dream come true and I know it will be unforgettable for Mattie and Sophie...and another little girl who was bowling a few lanes away who kept coming over for one more hug from Barney. It was all so stinking cute. I love my family.
Posted by Sabrina at 10:33 PM
Posted by Sabrina at 10:28 PM
Posted by Sabrina at 10:27 PM
Haircut time! Sophie's hair, as beautiful as it is long, takes about 20 minutes to brush after bath time. It is so irritating. So, we got hers chopped off, and now it is only taking me like 3 minutes! Every minute counts...right! :)
Posted by Sabrina at 10:25 PM
Mattie's before - during - and after pictures! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE her haircut on her.
Posted by Sabrina at 10:22 PM
We got to see Leah and Old Nana (Grandma Betty) for Easter weekend as well. It was so great to see Leah and spend time with her, we love her and miss having her live close by. :(
Posted by Sabrina at 10:21 PM
Easter! So much fun! These are pictures of the girls with our "Anna Montana". She is "Hannah Montana's" cousin (wink wink). My girls were in heaven! I have heard "The Best of Both Worlds" sung more in this last week than I could have ever imagined! My girls were so excited when they met her it actually brought tears to my eyes. Too funny.
Posted by Sabrina at 10:19 PM
This is my last 4 days in a nutshell! Poor thing. And every day I think, "she is getting better" and then a projectile vomit happens. In the last 4 days I have been thrown up on three times and I have lost count of how many times I have got pooped on. But I feel worse for my little Lily who's bottom was so raw yesterday that it started to bleed. It looks 75% better today though. I don't know of many things more helpless then when your child is sick and there isn't anything you can do about it except wait it out and stay up all night holding them. I have a friend who's kids were sick like this and she said they puked for 5 days, so hopefully and prayerfully we are on our last day. We just got out of the mini-van tonight and walked in the 45 seconds had past and she puked on the floor and all over herself. So I picked her up and was taking her to the bathtub and she puked again. But this time, since it was coming from a higher elevation, the puke splattered a good 5 feet, hitting Matthew, Mattie, Sophie and mommy all in one shot! You just have to laugh or else you will just cry from sleep deprevation. So, my big asperations for tomorrow, Easter, is that it will be a puke free day! Keep your fingers crossed!
Posted by Sabrina at 11:00 PM
Canon Beach! I love this place. And in the middle of March it is hit or miss for good weather. Thankfully we had a beautiful day on the beach. It was supposed to rain, I am so glad it didn't! We have our pastors retreat with our organization (Grace International) at this great retreat center in Canon Beach every year. I love going, even if I don't get to be a part of the meetings, I love getting away and walking around this great oceanside town. These are a few pictures of one day there. The picture of the lady in the white coat with the baby is Jeremy Carmichaels wife, Shekina, and their newest addition, Rosamand (I am sure I am butchering the spelling). Seeing and spendnig time with Jeremy and Shekina are just another reason we love going to Canon Beach. What a great family they have, and we love them! The last picture is what Matthew and Lily were doing while myself and the older girls went out on the beach. Lily is spread eagle out! And she was snoring, it was so cute. Enjoy!
Posted by Sabrina at 1:08 PM
Sophie, all smiles as usual! Ready to take a pose and show off her little treasures for me and the camera at any time.
Posted by Sabrina at 1:03 PM
As you can see, my little Mattie was not cooperating for me or the camera. She had NO interest in looking at me or smiling for any photo. God bless her little psuche!
Posted by Sabrina at 1:02 PM
I am too tired to write much, but I am posting some of my favorite pictures and/or memories for the month of February! Sophie was chosen as "citizen of the month" in her class, we had our first school friend sleep over, went rollerskating, and more! Hope you are all doing well!
Posted by Sabrina at 9:27 PM
Posted by Sabrina at 9:25 PM