Posted by Sabrina at 6:37 PM
More pictures of my cutie and some from my baby shower! I have such great friends that spoiled me for this shower. It was decorated so beautiful, one of my friends made the cake herself (wow and yum), and the little party favors were so precious. There were tea bags inside of them. Anyways, the best of all was my adorable little girl in her hat made by a young girl named Brea in our church. It was a perfeact party and I am so thankful for all of my gifts and friendships.
Posted by Sabrina at 6:35 PM
My three girls! It is still a bit weird to think that I have three daughters, it feels just like yesterday that I was in highschool!?! Now I know why old people say, "My how time flies!". Does that mean I am old??? :)
Posted by Sabrina at 6:31 PM
And here she is!!! Lillian (Lily) Hope Schlesinger!!! She apparently likes to "hang loose" when getting her photo done by the hospital! :) She was born on February 12 at 12:23pm via a repeat c-section. She weighed 8lbs 5 ounces and is 20 inches long. She is a great eater, had not one problem latching on, so that was a blessing. Everything went completely smooth and perfect. All of the doctors and nurses I had were fabulous and took such great care of me and Lily. I don't know if it could have gone any better. I got to come home today a couple of hours ago and it is nice to be home, but I actually will miss the hospital food and having it brought to me on a tray every day! Now it is recovery time, and I am feeling pretty good, sore but not as sore as I thought I would be with my third cesarian. So, God has really blessed us once again. She is a sweetheart. She seems to be pretty mild mannered, but it is still early, so we will see! Sophie and Mattie just adore her. Sophie wants to hold her all of the time and Mattie just looks at her and laughs. She thinks she is really funny. We got their first reactions on video, so that is fun to have around. I will show more pictures later, but I didn't use my camera, so my mom's camera has all of the pictures on it and I can't get them on my computer right away, so I will have to wait for her to put them on a cd for me.
Thanks for all your prayers and comments. I thought it was weird that Tammie wrote a comment at the exact time I was having Lily! Still connected after all of these years! :) Love you all.
Posted by Sabrina at 2:38 PM
Hospital, here I come!!!
Well, it is 6:45 am on Monday and I have been up since 5am unable to sleep. All of my dreams last night had to do with having this baby and being late to my surgery. So, when I woke up at 5am to go to the bathroom, it was impossible for me to relax again. So I am showered, packed and dressed with still 2 hours to go before I am to be at the hospital at 9am to get prepped for surgery. Everyone is sleeping in the house, so I thought what better way to fill my time then the blog! :)
I have lots of emotions this morning. I feel anxious, nervous, excited, relieved, and so blessed all at the same time. Shouldn't there be a max on how many emotions you can feel at one time??? I am so looking forward to meeting my third little girl. My entire family is here now, and it has been such a joy! We watched home videos yesterday of when we were kids. Mindie was just about 2 years old in the videos. I was about 7 and Corrina 9, so it was fun to watch 3 little girls interact on television. I laughed so hard. It was really fun to watch Sophie and Mattie see their mommy as a little girl. So, watching the three of us helped put things into perspective as I am about to have my third daughter.
So, now I wait. By the time most of you read this, I will be holding my new little one in my arms. I probably won't be home until Thursday so I won't be able to check my email and blog.
I also wanted to say congratulations to Kevin and Anne on their little girl!!! The have some pictures of their princess up on their blog now. What a beauty! I love you two. Maybe someday we will be able to actually introduce our children to each other, not via a blog! :)
Signing off!
Posted by Sabrina at 6:41 AM
No news yet folks. This little one has tricked me a few times. I thought I was going to have her early, but she is proving to do this in her own time. So, we will be having this baby on Monday at 11am!!!! Unless between now and then she decides to come early.
Thanks for all the calls and prayers. I have great friends!
Posted by Sabrina at 11:23 AM