Monday, October 30, 2006

I am 31!!! I must admit, I do feel a bit older than when I turned 30. 30 felt like a milestone, 31 just feels 1 year closer to 40! (But hey, Tammie has got me beat by like 6 years on this one!) ha ha. So, some friends of mine who know that I love Reces Pieces made me this fabulously rich cake. It was soooo good. And sooo rich. I love homemade cakes. Thanks Rachelle and Sarah! My birthday weekend we (and when I say we, I really mean Matthew) installed new tile in our kitchen floor. So, our house was in complete disaray for the weekend, but well worth it. I love that I married a man who not only can get the job done, but actually does something with his talents! Blessed am I! :) Thanks Matthew for working so hard on our home this weekend. I love you! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 8:53 PM

I just loved seeing this today. Matthew and Sophie working together. She is 4 now and wanting to "help" with everything. So, she felt pretty proud of herself being the flashlight holder for daddy as he put the dishwasher back in its place!
 Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 8:51 PM

I love being the mother of two girls. And at the same time, it is a challenge because they are so emotional...I mean...SOOOO emotional. One second they are as happy as clams and the next you would think that the world was coming to an end. I have my work cut out for me in raising these two precious drama queens! :) So, a bit more testosterone would be nice to add to the family. We shall see!!! One week and one day to go! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 8:48 PM

Monday, October 23, 2006

Not much new going on here. I find out on November 7th what the sex of the baby is! We are excited to find out. We will certainly be blogging about that! Our plan was to wait, but...we changed our minds. Of coarse we have to see if the baby will cooperate with our plans, so we will see. I will be 31 in one week! Turning 30 wasn't a big deal to me, but 31 is just sounding old. I mean, it is on my way to 40. I remember when my parents turned 40 and they seemed so old to me. You know you are getting old when you start saying things like, "I don't feel old, it just feels like yesterday that I graduated from highschool!" Yeah, well I am catching myself saying such things. It is weird when we as youth pastors are pastoring kids who the majority were born in the 90's. We went to see a movie with some of our GC girls the other day, and the ad for Rocky Balboa was on the wall. One of the kids asked me who that was, and I was like, "you know, Rocky!" She had no idea who he was. It was a bit of a trip for me. Anyways, funny thoughts. Blessings on your week and love you all! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 11:45 AM

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Out with the old and in with the new. Last week, in the middle of laundry day, my dryer went dead. So, we got to go out and purchase a new one. I love getting new stuff. It is so much fun. We didn't realize then, that it was the beginning of a week of "new" things. Fun, fun, fun!!!  Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 2:23 PM

It is official. I am a "real" mom now! I have sworn up and down that I would never be a mother that drives a mini-van. Well, I am eating those words now. :) Yesterday Matthew and I purchased a brand new 2006 Toyota Sienna Mini-Van! And surprisingly, we are quite excited about it. Trying to find a vehicle that isn't enormous that can fit 3 car seats is nearly impossible, and I am just not ready to drive a HUGE extended SUV. I love SUV's, but I like the medium sized ones, the big ones are just too big for me to drive. Anyways, we have been blessed with this great vehicle and a great deal! Thank you Lord! I have never been an owner of a brand new vehicle and never thought I would be. Not that I didn't think we could, I just didn't think owning a brand new vehicle was a very practial move. Well, this deal we couldn't pass up and we are truly thankful for it. Matthew and I were talking last night realizing we are "growing up". This week we have bought a washer and dryer AND a mini-van. And we got excited about it! Too funny! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 2:15 PM

And the last announcement is we have a semi-potty trained girl now! Yahoo!!! We are just working on getting #2 in the potty, but we have got #1 down flat! Of coarse she is still wearing pull-ups at bedtime, but other than that, it is big girl panties all the way. Yeah for Mattie! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 2:13 PM

Monday, October 09, 2006

I have to tell you this story. So, this picture is taken in New York City in a Karaoke Bar. Now before some of you start thinking I am crazy, I just want you to know that I do not drink, but I endulged my sisters for one evening and went to this popular place in the City so they could sing. I have only ever sang karaoke at a few church functions, this was my first time (and most likely my last) ever singing in a place like this. So...I agreed to sing a song. I picked out "Goodbye Earl" by the Dixie Chicks b/c it is the only song I was confident that I knew really well. Don't ask me why I know that song so well? It just stuck with me. Anyways. Corrina tipped the DJ $20 to get our requests to the front of the stack. Well we are all sitting there, enjoying listening to some pretty amazing singers, I mean we are in New York here, and the song ends and he calls my name...MY NAME...first!!! I have never done this before! I am a total Karaoke virgin here, and he calls my name first! And I am not nearly as relaxed as the rest of the people there, including my sisters, because I am COMPLETELY SOBER! All I have had to drink was loads of water, and by this time my bladder is already full. So, I jump up there and the song starts. Now I lead worship every week, sing songs, take risks, and sing solo's in front of hundreds of people on a regular basis. I don't ever seem to get nervous, but it never seems to fail that when I am "performing" a song, my nerves go to the roof! So I am standing up there looking at all these people look at me and the music begins. In my best country twang, I start belting out the famous Dixie Chick song, except it doesn't seem so famous here. In fact, people are just looking at me like, "how dare you sing a country western song in the great city of New York". If it weren't for my sister, Corrina who got up front and started dancing and hooting me on, I think I would have died of embarrassment. So, she also took this picture, and when we downloaded we all started laughing because it totally looks like I am worshipping. I guess even singing Karaoke in a bar for the first and last time can't shake the worship leader look off of me! Hope you enjoyed laughing at me through this story as all the other people in the place! :) Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 1:28 PM

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Birthday parties and chocolate cake! They are sure fun, and my hats of to moms who can pull it off like this one! It was Bella's 3rd birthday today (she is a walking miracle!) and we got invited to the party! Well, Mattie really loved the cake, but she was going into convulsions waiting for it. She was having a bit of a pshuche (flesh) attack, if you know what I mean. We have also began potty training, and of coarse, she decided to pee all over her chair right in the middle of the party. But I came prepared (yeah for me!).

It was a day though, and quite frankly, blogging today is my saving grace. Just sitting here, looking at everyone's blogs and deciding to post today, is keeping me sane. I think I am having a high hormone day in pregnancy or something. Everything today is irritating me and throwing me off emotionally! Uuggh. Anyways. Thanks to all my friends in blogland, you are keeping me sane tonight! :)

Someone really likes chocolate cake!

Bella, the birthday girl! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 8:50 PM