Posted by Sabrina at 8:11 AM
Sophie my little Diva!!! She is getting pretty good at dressing herself. Atleast about 50% of the time! Is that good odds?? :) It is good to be at home for awhile. No plans to go anywhere for a month or so. Well, Matthew is heading to Texas for our annual CEA Convention, but I am not going to that this year.
We have had a busy, full summer. I always enjoy summer, but there is something about when school starts back up and fall comes in that is so refreshing to me. It is like everything gets back to normal and people come back to church. Why do people seem to think that summer=no church? I don't get it. Anyways, I won't even go there.
Pregnancy is going great. Since I have been in the 2nd trimester, I have felt so much better. I stopped throwing up a few days before we left for the Philippines, so I was greatly relieved. I am now at about 20 weeks. It is 19 or 20 or somewhere inbetween there. I loose count with my third! But this one is moving a lot and Matthew got to feel the baby move for the first time a few nights ago. I think that has always been my favorite part of pregnancy. Our plan has been to wait until D-day to see what the sex of the baby will be, but lately we have been wavering in that decision. We have our ultrasound on November 7 and I guess you will all have to wait until then to see what we decide about that!
Posted by Sabrina at 8:02 AM
We are back from NYC. What a great trip. I look forward to going back again someday. More Broadway plays for sure, that was certainly my highlight! This picture is of us braving the Subway. Once was enough, after that, we just stuck to taxi's. Much less confusing.
Posted by Sabrina at 10:21 PM
Us at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Can you say BOOORRRRINNGG!!!! I am so not a museum person. And this place was HUGE! But, anything can be fun if you get creative, so we took some not so traditional poses with some of our favorite works of art. Mindie is about to make out with a dead statue. And don't I look like I am about 6 or 7 months pregnant! It is no illlusion here, I really look that big!!! And they have checked twice for twins. I don't know what is up, but I think this baby is going to be a big one!
Posted by Sabrina at 10:18 PM
The three sisters! We are so different, but we do well together. I think these pictures are so funny b/c it shows our personalities. Corrina with a glass of wine, Mindie with a bottle of beer, and me with a can of Lipton Ice Tea! So funny. We were enjoying a meal in "Little Italy" in NYC here.
Posted by Sabrina at 10:15 PM
Posted by Sabrina at 9:35 AM
So, we couldn't get a taxi at 5pm. They are all changing shifts or getting off duty, so no one would pick us up, so we resorted to this guy bicycling us about 12 blocks. Poor guy, he was sweating so bad by the time he got us back to our hotel. But it was a fun way to ride through the city!
Our Broadway night! We went to see The Wedding Singer and it was FABULOUS!!! It was full of 80's stuff which we three totally relate with, and Constantine from American Idol was one of the main characters in it, in which I am a total American Idol fan. We actually didn't know he was in it until we arrived and looked through our program. It had us laughing through the whole thing. New York talent is way better than I have ever seen on the West Coast. They were amazing. It will certainly be a night I will never forget!
Time Square at about 1:30am. This place never dies down. There were just as many people walking the streets of New York in the middle of the night as there were at lunchtime. It was so beautiful!
Posted by Sabrina at 9:27 AM
Don't you just love New York in the rain??? Okay, so I have always wanted to say that, even though it does make sight seeing and looking cute a bit difficult! My sisters and I are in New York and we are having a great time. Apparently it is Fashion Week in NYC, so we woke up this morning to go stand outside the tent of where they are doing Project Runway. (It is a TV reality show for new designers.) Anyways, we saw quite a few famous people, including 3 out of the 5 Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, guys. One was like 2 inches from me. I don't really know who they are, but I totally recognized them. It was pretty fun! We then walked a few blocks and accidentally found ourselves at Time Square, which was so amazing to look at and see. Our feet were killing us - we couldn't wear tennis shoes on the streets of NY, we had to all wear heels! :) We payed a price for it, but we looked cute! Anyways, we are here for a few more days and have lots more to see. Enjoy the pictures!
Posted by Sabrina at 6:54 PM
Our first meal in New York. It looked like this little dive of a place, but we were hungry and wanted Mexican food, so we went inside, and once inside it turned out to be the coolest Mexican Restaraunts I have ever been in. And such good food! Yummmmm. I love that I am here with my sisters. What a treat to be able to do this with them. We all have so much fun together.
Posted by Sabrina at 6:51 PM
We made this one of our first things to do in NYC. That is, going to Ground Zero. Here in this city every street is so packed full of sky scrapers, you can't see anything really off in the distance, and then you round this corner and there is this enormous gap where the towers once stood. All three of us were working hard at holding back the tears. Even 5 years later, it is still such a fresh wound and you feel it still when you come here. I am so glad we got to go here.
Posted by Sabrina at 6:46 PM
Mindie's poor feet! It was sooo rainy today and we walked around so much, that when she came back to the hotel room, her shoes had died her feet bluish/black. Maybe they will never go back to normal and she will always have a memory with her of her trip to NYC!
Posted by Sabrina at 6:44 PM
We are home. Finally!!! I loved the Philippines, but I do not love the long travel. My poor feet and ankles were getting pretty swolen. So we got back to Portland on Thursday and Matthew and his sister left for The Dalles for a few days because their Grandpa is dying. He may only have a few days left. So, we actually did not get back to our home until last night (Saturday). Oh, there is no place like home! But right when we got home, Mattie took a spill and bit her lip pretty bad. It was so swolen as you can see. Matthew and I could not stop laughing because of her lip and the way it looked when she would talk to us. Poor Mattie! :) Anyways, I am about 16 weeks along and look like I am about 6 months! I am leaving for NYC on Thursday with my sisters for a long weekend trip! Woo hoo! I have always dreamed of going to New York City. I can't wait, and I am so glad I am going with Corrina and Mindie. I did take some tummy shots in the Philippines, but didn't get a chance to blog them yet and now they are all on Matthew's computer, so I will soon. Thanks for all of your prayers!
Posted by Sabrina at 5:40 PM
Posted by Sabrina at 3:51 AM
Rachel!! Yeah for Rachel!!! She is sharing in front of a crowd what the Lord did for her on this trip. This was a big step for her, HUGE for her, and we are all soooooooo proud of her! I love you Rachel!
Me with a crocodile at a place called Jacks Ridge. The atmosphere at this place was so cool, could have been easily found in downtown Portland or something. We loved it!
Amy just letting her hair down!
Matt, in his usual camera pose, caring for his future child!
Posted by Sabrina at 3:44 AM