Posted by Sabrina at 1:58 AM
What a day!!! This was our outreach yesterday, we went to a highschool of 4000. Only about 1000 were there when we arrived. In the Philippines, you can preach the gospel in the schools! It is awesome, so we showed up and were instantly surrounded by hundreds of young people staring at us and giggling. Some of them it was their first time seeing an American. We actually signed autographs. It was hilarious. Anyways, I got a huge group of them to sing Bob Kilpatricks song, "one by one". Jess will appreciate that one!!!! :) And then we gathered them together to preach to them. It was amazing, they all thought I was hilarious. I wasn't even trying to be funny and the were cracking up. All of my team were laughing b/c they knew I wasn't trying to be funny, soooo, I think I can do stand-up comedy in the Philippines! At the end of the service, Matthew went up and did an altar call. About 150-200 kids came forward and gave their hearts to the Lord. It was a beautiful moment and a day that will be seared in my memory and heart forever!
Enjoy the pictures!
Posted by Sabrina at 1:51 AM
We have arrived in the Philippines and are on our second day into our trip here. It was a grueling 40 hours of traveling from the time we left Roseburg to the time we arrived in Davao, Philippines. We were exhausted. Actually, that doesn't even do it justice. Our friend and missionary over here kept us busy all day on the day we arrived to help us make the time zone transition, there were moments in the day where you felt like you could fall asleep standing up. We went to the mall, he took us to the wet market, which is an outdoor market. In it are stands of all sorts of foods, including an area with raw, uncooked, meat. I took one step inside and turned right around, my pregnant nose wouldn't take it, I almost lost it. So, I waited outside with Matt Coil while the rest of them experienced the smell that has no words to describe it. Long travel, exhausted, but worth it! We are here, finally, and are expecting great things!
Posted by Sabrina at 1:00 AM
The toilet! They call it the comfort room, but there is NOTHING comfortable about it. No place to flush, no toilet paper, no toilet seat. But, you still have to go, you kind of get a leg work out as you go to the bathroom, it is so funny! I was all alone going into this one, and no one told me what to do, so I didn't do it right and our missionary friend, Matt Coil went in after me and I was a little embarrassed b/c he had to take care of some things for me! :) Too funny.
Posted by Sabrina at 12:51 AM
Second times a charm right??!! For those of you who remember, last summer Matthew and I and a team of young adults had plans to go the the Philippines for a missions trip. 48 hours before we were to leave, we found out that the our travel agent had taken all of our money and never purchased our tickets. Our trip abrubtly came to an end. Well, we are going again!!! Matthew and I, along with 7 others on our team, are leaving this Thursday morning on a plane for the Philippines for two weeks! We are excited and ready to go. Of coarse we haven't packed yet, but that is what today and tomorrow are for! I am feeling better physically this week as far as morning sickness goes, so I am hoping and praying that my stomach will continue to be strong in the Philippines. My girls will be up in Maple Valley with my parents most of the time. I know my mom will keep them so busy they will hardly miss me. But, I am a mom, and my heart is already in missing mode for them. I would take any of your prayers for our safety during travel and the trip and safety and protection for my children. So, I am hoping to be able to blog a little bit while I am there, but we are not to sure of the internet options, so we will just have to wait and see. I will certainly catch up when we return. So, that's it! Pray for us!
Posted by Sabrina at 1:33 AM
Our newest addition to the family!!! And it was free! It was given to us. It needed a bit of engine work, but not much. The insides are cracked and mold stained, but it runs great and is a whole lot of fun. We took it out for the first time on Monday with Matthew's parents and had such a great time. We love being on the water and in the water. It is surely a blessing to our family and we hope to bless a lot of people as they enjoy it with us!
Posted by Sabrina at 9:55 AM
The proud owner!!! It may be a ghetto boat, but it is "our" ghetto boat!!! Matthew has been praying for someone to give us a boat, and well, here it is!
Posted by Sabrina at 9:54 AM
I actually got both girls to go on the tube with me for the first time. I forgot to get pictures of Mattie, but we pulled it out with Sophie in it. Mattie went first b/c Sophie was too scared. But when she saw her little sister having fun out there, Sophie decided she should give it a try. They crack me up!
Posted by Sabrina at 9:52 AM
Sophie enjoyed herself a lot. I want my kids to be raised around water and water sports since Matthew and I love doing them so much! I think she is hooked!
Posted by Sabrina at 9:51 AM
After a long day on the water, Mattie was pooped out and fell asleep in my arms.
Posted by Sabrina at 9:50 AM
Yeah for my mom who got a picture of us on the camel! She just emailed it to me so I just had to blog it as well! It looks a lot more fun then it actually was, but it was still an experience!
Posted by Sabrina at 8:31 PM
So, I thought since I posted that I was pregnant a few months ago, I should actually update you all on my first few months! I am actually showing quite a bit. I am 11 weeks (yesterday) and look like most women look at 5-6 months. BUT I am not having twins. We already counted that one out! Whew...thank God. :) We have had such a busy July that we didnt' get to see the doctor until Tuesday (August 1). It is amazing that even with the third child, having gone through it all before and knowing exactly what to expect, I still found myself crying as I looked at this little on on the big screen as they were giving me my first ultrasound. So precious. I think this one holds a special place because I know that God wanted me to have this child and with it He has given me some promises with this little one. And this will be our last one due to c-section stuff, so it is very special.
Sickness. It has been another tough few months, especially since we had 3 summer camps in a row for a solid 2 1/2 weeks. Boy, that was tough. I have been considerably better than the last two pregnancies though. I dry heave about 3-6 times a day, which is not fun at all, but thankfully I have yet to have any puke come forth! :) Like how I worded that. I made it all King James Version! Anyways, besides heaving and being utterly exhausted, no complaints. I should be out of the morning sickness within a week or two, just in time to go to the Philippines! Summer??? What is that???
The best thing so far about this pregnancy is watching Sophie. She was two when I had Mattie, and I thought she was fun then, but now she is 4 and understands so much more. She has regular conversations with my belly button, introducing the baby to the world around her. It is so cute. Mattie just keeps lifting up my shirt and kissing my belly button. They are going to be great big sisters. We are still planning on waiting until delivery to find out the sex of this baby, but we will see if we can hold out!
I will get a picture of my quickly expanding tummy up soon. My doctor told me, "everything you felt in the last two pregnancies, all the annoyences and discomforts, you will feel them again, just sooner and more for this one." Uuuggghhh, that was encouraging! :)
That's all for now! Love you all.
Posted by Sabrina at 9:59 PM