I SHOULDN'T be surprised that my little Mattie would go up into this highrise of a playland all by herself. Sophie has yet to enter one of these things, she thinks there are monsters in there. Mattie though, a few weeks ago surprised us all by disappearing into the tubes and coming out the other end all by herself! This one though we were at on the way home from Seattle and it was super tall! She went all the way to the top and then stayed there. She refused to come down the slide or move from that location, so "mom to the rescue", I on my knees manuevered my way through these, not-for-adults tunnels and got to her. She was so excited to see that I joined her in her adventure. I love this child! I can hardly believe she is going to be 2 in just a few weeks!
Posted by Sabrina at 2:50 PM
Mattie eating breakfast one morning. Soooo coool!
Posted by Sabrina at 2:47 PM
This last weekend Matthew and I went to an amazing conference up in Kirkland where we got to see T.D. Jakes! We dropped the girls off at my parents house and got a few nights away to ourselves, all alone! It was such a refreshing and much needed time for us and we heard God speak to us so clearly on some thing for us personally and for Generation Church (our youth and young adult church). We got WAY more than we were anticipating. We then got to go and spend a few more days with my family. Mattie's 2nd birthday is on April 9th, so my parents wanted to celebrate it while we were up there. Mattie was maticuluos on opening presents. You can see here as she hands every little piece of paper she rips off to my mom. If it weren't for big sister Sophie helping rip into those presents, I am afraid we would still be up their!
Posted by Sabrina at 2:46 PM
Mattie's birthday cake that Auntie Mindie made!
Posted by Sabrina at 2:43 PM
This is Sophie and myself, victims, not of a rare tongue disease, but from simply eating a really good cake that had black frosting on it. We had some good laughs over it!
Posted by Sabrina at 2:42 PM
You know you are a tourist when.....You take pictures of seagulls on top of cars. I am sure I looked like a dork taking this picture (and there are more where this came from!), but I couldn't resist. This bird was all over the place, hanging out in the crosswalk, standing in the middle of the road. It was completely unshaken by those around him. Matthew, the girls, Craig and Karen went to Canon Beach this last Monday through Wednesday for a CEA Pastors retreat. It was such a nice place and a really cute and quaint town. The weather and health of our children were the only down sides to it. Sophie got "sick" three times on the windy trip to the beach. Boy oh boy, I am glad I packed twice as many clothes for her. I will just give you this lovely image to think about...colorful fruit snacks make for an intersting display as it reappears! :)
Posted by Sabrina at 1:59 PM
Canon Beach (from inside a nice warm room). There were a few sun breaks, but it was mostly rainy, windy and cold. And yet, still breathtakingly beautiful!
Posted by Sabrina at 1:55 PM
Sophie took this picture of me! She is pretty good at taking pictures. It is fun to dream about what your (my) kids will grow up and become!
Posted by Sabrina at 1:54 PM
Silly Sophie. She loves the camera (and the camera loves her!) We were on a search for a kite on this day, but unfortunately all the kite shops we went to were closed. It was rather frustrating, but I guess we saved some money!
Posted by Sabrina at 1:53 PM
This three day trip was a doozie with this little one. Poor thing, she got a fever and sick for the first two days and was just miserable. Which made the rest of us miserable. I feel so helpless when our children our sick. But she is almost back to normal now.
Posted by Sabrina at 1:52 PM
Swim lessons! Do you remember those as a kid! Well, hopefully Mattie won't. My friend John is (was) going to give Mattie and Sophie swim lessons, (half hour each), and this was their first day. She looks so cute and quiet. But as soon as I passed her off to John, she screamed bloody mary for the ENTIRE time. He told me that he could handle her screaming the whole 30 minutes, that is wasn't "the first time". But then again, he had never had Mattie! :) So, 15 minutes into her lesson I got the hand jesture to come and get her. John told me he has never had a kid like her, that young, who could scream that loud and was not distracted at all by toys or anything else! He said she is now famous, or should it be infamous! :) So, maybe next year we will try again.
Posted by Sabrina at 10:10 PM
I know it is blurry, but if you can see the colored spot, that is Sophie on her first day of swim lessons. One of our young adults, who is one of my worship leaders, is also the head life guard at the YMCA, so he is giving Sophie private swim lessons. She cried for a few minutes, but then did great! I am so proud of her.
Posted by Sabrina at 10:07 PM
SNOW??? How weird is it when you wake up in the middle of March to find an inch of snow. Well, maybe not weird if you live in Alaska, but in Roseburg, in the nearly 5 years we have lived here, it has snowed (barely) like 2 or 3 times. So this was a big deal. Of coarse it melted within a few hours, but it was pretty while it lasted, and Sophie was so excited. Mattie on the other hand, got to experience how cold snow can be on your feet and literally "freaked" out. And not the cute way either. So fun.
Posted by Sabrina at 10:05 PM
Her hair is growing!!!! I know, they are puney (sp?) pig tails, but I have waited nearly TWO YEARS to get these in her hair. I was worried she would be bald forever! Mattie really likes it too. She is always seeing me do Sophie's hair, so when I tell her it is her turn, she gets really excited. So as sparse as they may be, this is a big day in the Schlesinger home! Yeah for pig tails!
Posted by Sabrina at 10:03 PM
So, it has been an unusually long time since I last blogged. I can't even explain just how busy and hectic this last month and a half have been. This last weekend was the last big push of business after about 4 to 5 weeks in a row! It is good to be over! So, I don't have a whole lot of new pictures b/c we just haven't been able to make a whole lot of new memories this month due to our schedule. Oh the life of youth pastors! But seriously, this month should be relatively quiet and we are looking forward to it! I just got done with a full weekend (early morning til late evening) for 3 full days at a Home and Garden Show where our church and our youth do all the concessions for the event. It is a huge undertaking, and for me to go and oversee all of our kids meant that Matthew got to be Mr. Mom this weekend! And I must say, he did one fabulous job. He even did Sophie's hair for Sunday morning all by himself, got them dressed, bathed, fed, the whole works! He even managed to keep the dishes out of the sink and in the dishwasher every night! What a man! It appears that many of us are getting a little less enthused to keep up on our blogging. I hope it is not the beginning of the end of what has been a great thing for me and continuing my friendships across America, and beyond! (Uganda!!!). Anyways, I hope you all are being blessed in all that you put your hands and heart to. This picture is of all of the Schlesinger girls feet. Our toes are all painted pink, but I Sepia'd the picture b/c it made my feet look better! :)
Posted by Sabrina at 10:53 AM
The girls just chillin' in the car ride home. It is actually one our most peaceful places! Mattie is very quiet when we get in the car, and so, of coarse, Matthew and I LOVE car rides b/c we are almost guaranteed peace and quiet!
Posted by Sabrina at 10:45 AM