Monday, October 31, 2005

We had a breakthrough with Sophie! This is a really slow train ride in a catipiller (sp?), it doesn't go fast, it doesn't go up or down any hills, it is actually REALLY BORING! But Sophie, when I went to take her on it, threw the biggest fit of her life! She was screaming bloody murder and holding on to dear life the gates at the enterance. Everyone was looking at me. I had to pry her little fingers away. Needless to say, we did not go on the ride at that time. But after some persuasion from her mommy :), assisted by a few disciplinary actions for her throwing a massive fit, she had a change of heart! :) She actually loved the ride, she was making her "fake scared" face when we got on it for the camera. She now "trusts" her mommy.

Posted by Sabrina at 9:39 AM

This was Sophie's favorite ride! The Ladybug! It is kind of like the Tea Cups.

Posted by Sabrina at 9:35 AM

Sophie meeting Flick and Atta from A Bugs Life!

Posted by Sabrina at 9:35 AM

The Green Men at California Adventure. You remember...the ones from Toy Story. They were hilarious!

Posted by Sabrina at 9:34 AM

After a LONG second day of Disneyland and California Adventure Sophie once again crashed!!! I love this picture!

Posted by Sabrina at 9:34 AM

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The end of one LONG day is over. We are in our hotel just across the street from Disneyland! We had such a great day. Here are a few pictures of our fun day today! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 9:28 PM

I think this is one of Sophie's highlights, getting to have story time with Princess Bell!!! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 9:27 PM

One of the MANY Disney character's we saw today! I was amazed at how many we saw! I don't remember seeing hardly any when I came to Disneyland as a kid! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 9:26 PM

One BIG Turkey leg!!!! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 9:25 PM

Okay, so it's not the greatest picture, but it is still fun! We were waiting in line for Star Wars. Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 9:24 PM

Sophie at her first day in Disneyland! We were so excited to take her. We had so much fun today! She didn't want to go on many rides, but she sure had a great time! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 9:23 PM

Monday, October 24, 2005

At a playground at the winery! Having children is so much fun, it gives you the opportunity to play like a child again! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 10:44 AM

Isn't that romantic. I kept thinking about that one movie with Keanu Reeves in it where he was in Italy working in a vineyard. It was a really romantic movie, but I can' t remember the name! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 10:42 AM

We went to a couple beautiful California Winery's. Talk about beautiful landscaping. This is from right to left: Matthew, Sophie, Craig, Karen, and Chris and Mary Olsen (good friends of my in-laws). It was such a relaxing and enjoyable day in sunny California! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 10:40 AM

This is the famous Coronado hotel. It is HUGE and amazingly beautiful. Unfortanetly, I had never heard of it before so it wasn't that famous to me! But I enjoyed it all the same. Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 10:37 AM

On the Coronado Island in San Diego! It was an overcast day, but still incredibly warm considering we were at the ocean. I would not be able to be without a jacket on Oregon beaches at this time of the year! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 10:35 AM

Lots of luggage! We were waiting for Craig to get the rental car. Mine is the big red one! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 10:33 AM

Sophie and Daddy on the plane for the first time! (Well, Sophie's first time). She did great, she loved it. She kept saying we were flying like the birds. Posted by Picasa

Posted by Sabrina at 10:32 AM

Friday, October 21, 2005

Happy Anniversary Jim and Tammie!!!
5 years goes by pretty fast (especially when kids are involved). I looked for a picture of the both of you to put on this, but did not have any available. Thanks to Robin for reminding me! I love you both and hope you have a great day enjoying your love together and many more great years of marriage together.

Love you,
Sabrina (and Robin!)

Posted by Sabrina at 10:11 AM

Monday, October 17, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Posted by Sabrina at 6:13 PM

So today I was checking usual...and I came to Rachel McAskill's new blog and was taken back! After spending so many years with the Master's Commission and creating so many wonderful relationships from all over the states and even world, I often find myself thinking about so many great memories and wondering what happened to people. Where did their lives take them? Are they married? Do they have children? Are they serving God with the same passion as they once did? I don't have answers for most people that I think about, I probably never will. But it is always such a good feeling when a reconnection is made once again and you discover that their life seems and appears to be full of blessings. I think about Spokane a lot. I miss the relationships that I built over the 5+ years that I got to spend in MC and conferences and so forth. So it is so fun to be in contact with people like Tony! "Yeah for Tony!" and to see pictures of Jessica Side, Rachelle Greenich, and others on Rahcel's blog. I only wish we could have some kind of big reunion where we can reaquaint ourselves again. I guess that is one reason why I love to blog with all of you, because I have so many memories with all of you, some more than others, and it so wonderful that we can in some way, shape or form, not let a good friendship go to waste. It is nice to be thought of, and it is nice to think of others. So, here is to great memories past and to many more in the future. I can only hope that more old friends will come knocking on the blogging doors. So if any of you are out there, we sure would like to hear from you and where life and God have taken you!

Boy do I feel sappy today!

Posted by Sabrina at 5:27 PM

Sunday, October 16, 2005

So, I know that I am officially a Roseburgian when I hear people making fun of it, and it offends me! Not the kind of offense that would make me leave a church or anything, just the kind of offense that is like..."Hey, that is my town, don't knock it." And most of the knocking that I have heard comes from Maple Valley. I am not sure what exactly those in Maple Valley have against the sweet town of Roseburg. My only conclusion is that their must be some kind of jealousy that exists. Are they jealous because we have our very own Umpqua Icecream and dairy here? Maybe it is because our Umpqua river is WAY MORE FUN to float than the Cedar River, which only leaves you with a bunch of bruises on your butt. Maybe it is because we have Applebees, and all you have is Glorias! I am not sure where the mocking stems from, but I have a feeling that it all really comes down to the fact that really cool people live and MOVE to Roseburg (i.e. me!) and therefore leaving the town of Maple Valley wondering if there might be something wrong with it. I don't know...but I think I am in a mood to pick a fight! :) After all, I am from the Burg, yo!

Posted by Sabrina at 10:17 AM

Aren't they cute! I am sure Melody will agree. This is Matthew and his best friend Matt just before they began MC. Boy they have sure come a long way!

Posted by Sabrina at 9:59 AM

I was going through old pictures, and found this one. I have always loved this picture of the MC Guys of 98. (And they say that girls pose!)

Posted by Sabrina at 9:58 AM

Monday, October 10, 2005

I just got back on Saturday night from a women's retreat that was absolutely fun and refreshing. These pictures are in the early morning when the fog was still hovering and it was so peaceful and quiet out. I had such a wonderful time as Matthew got to stay home with the girls. Why is it when dad's watch the kids that people refer to it as babysitting???

Posted by Sabrina at 9:44 AM

At the retreat, I decided I wanted to go frolick with the sheep, or atleast pet one. They didn't have the same desire as me. We cleared the entire field.

Posted by Sabrina at 9:42 AM

We had one of Sophie's friends over after church yesterday for a play date. They rode around in Sophie's Barbie Jeep all afternoon. It was a super fun day!

Posted by Sabrina at 9:41 AM

Sophie and Gabriella loving on each other!

Posted by Sabrina at 9:40 AM

Sophie has been a very shy dancer. She stands there in a frozen position for 50% of the class and then begins to warm up towards the end and actually starts moving. But when she comes home, she does EVERYTHING! It is quite funny.

Posted by Sabrina at 9:40 AM

Sophie is taking ballet and tap class now! We are all very excited. She is loving it and is so adorable in her buns!

Posted by Sabrina at 9:38 AM

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Why is it that a mother can never get tired of taking pictures of her children and showing them off to all the world to see?

Posted by Sabrina at 3:02 PM


We bought a new wheelbarrow today, so after Matthew put it together, the girls had to take it for a spin to make sure it worked properly!!! Oh was an exciting day at the Schlesinger's!!!

Posted by Sabrina at 2:59 PM


Well, it is not the same outfit that Sophie has on, I thought I had a photo, but I didn't. This is the age I was when I was wearing the leaotard that she is wearing in the picture below.

Boy, don't you wish you could still have the same energy and metabolism :) that you did when you were a kid???

Posted by Sabrina at 2:56 PM