We have had quite a wedding season here in Roseburg. And although it has been a bit expensive, it has been a joy to see all of these wonderful young adults join in marriage. We have them all in our Newlywed small group, so as of yesterday, they are all officially newlyweds! First it was Kevin and Bethany Saylor, then Shaun and Summer Ryan, last weekend it was Craig and Sarah Weinberg, and just yesterday it was Matt and Nichole Metta! All of the weddings were so wonderful and all had a taste all their own. From sweet and simple to elegant and classic. Indoor and outdoors, DJ's to live music! Cheesecake at two of them, one divine chocolate fountain at another. It makes me want to get married all over again..to Matthew of coarse. If I had it to do over, there a few things I would have changed (much shorter ceremony for one) :) Anyways, congratulations to all of the newlyweds around here and everywhere else. Marriage is hard work, but if you do the work, it is the best blessing in the world (next to children!).
Happy honeymooning all of you!
Posted by Sabrina at 2:40 PM
For many of you, you have had no problem in the area of hobbies. My sister-in-law Leah is the hobby queen. She loves to crochet, bead, take pictures, etc. Some of you love to golf or play some kind of sport, or paint, and now Jenni is becoming a master seamstress! I have grown up being hobby challenged. For some reason, whenever I have seen on a questionaire the question, "What are your hobbies", I stare at it blankly trying to figure out something clever to put down so that I don't sound like a bore. It is not that I am not talented, I love to sing and play worship songs, but I have never considered that my hobby. I don't play sports, I don't know how to knit, I am not a "scrapbooking" person, and yet, over the past few months I have each day anxiously awaited the time that I can get home and go up our spiral staircase into our loft where our computer is, sit down....and blog. Yes, I am proud to say that I have a hobby now, and it is blogging!
Thank God for technoligy otherwise I would still be without a hobby. I am not being sarcastic as some of you suppose, I truly love blogging. I love blogging on my own blog, I love looking at all of your blogs, I love going up to the corner of my blog to the arrow that says "Next Blog" or something like that and pushing it just to see what awaits me, who's world I can go into and take a peek at their life. I love commenting on your blogs and I love reading comments on mine. I can't get enough of it. I honestly check my blog and everyone else's to see if there have been any updates atleast twice a day if not more. I have become a Blog Addict. I hope this isn't revealing too much about myself. If I look weak in your eyes and you are thinking, "boy, she has got to get a hobby!", don't worry, I already got one! And I am proud of it!
Posted by Sabrina at 9:55 PM
The many sides of Sophia. We prayed when I was pregnant that she would be cute and that she would have personality. Well, God I think gave us a double portion of both with her!
Posted by Sabrina at 9:58 AM
See the scowell (sp?) on Mattie's face...this is her primary facial expression. She is a serious, determined, strong willed child. She doesn't have much of a sense of humor yet, but is very curious about everything and has to be hands on figuring things out. She is almost 14 months and we look forward to seeing how God is going to use her strong personality. She may just be a bit prophetic!
Posted by Sabrina at 9:57 AM
Sophia is into dressing up. And thanks to my mom, she gets plenty of "dress up" clothes. Like this ballerina costume which Sophie has to wear every time we watch Barbie's The Nutcracker. She also has a bride outfit.
Posted by Sabrina at 9:55 AM
Well, not much is going on new, I should say. There seems to always be an excess of things going on in my life, but nothing new, except that Mattie has finally sprouted two new teeth! She got her first 2 bottom teeth when she was 7 months and hasn't gotten any more until just last week. 6 months without any hopes of other teeth has been a bit torture. They have been playing peek-a-boo for quite some time making her a bit miserable, so it is nice that they have finally come into stay. She also has her first ear infection. Which in our house that is somewhat good news being that Sophie had her first one at 3 weeks old up until 11 months when she had to get tubes put in her little ears.
Next week we will be having Generational Leadership in town for a few days. We are looking forward to that as always. I really like the group they have this year, they seem to be a nice group from what I have seen and observed.
That is about it. A little boring to most, but it is life to the Schlesinger's, and we love our life! Throw a nice 2 week vacation in there and I would be REALLY LOVING LIFE!!! Oh well, maybe someday in the near future. One can dream.
Posted by Sabrina at 11:05 AM
Posted by Sabrina at 10:45 AM
Sophie loves putting on wigs at my mom's house! She is so full of personality!
Posted by Sabrina at 4:35 PM
Mattie didn't like this look as much as Sophie!
Posted by Sabrina at 4:34 PM
Mattie ALWAYS gets mistaken for a boy, this picture won't help matters...but the look she is giving her Grandpa is so beautiful.
Posted by Sabrina at 4:33 PM
I think they were at the Science Center in Seattle. Not 100% sure, but loved the picture!
Posted by Sabrina at 4:32 PM
Auntie Nindie (Mindie) and Uncle Steve (she gets that one right!)
Posted by Sabrina at 4:31 PM
Uncle "J" (Justin) and Autnie Kina (Corrina)
Posted by Sabrina at 4:30 PM
My mom and dad. What a cute couple! And fantastic grandparents. They took the girls for us for 9 days and took such good care of them. Sophie calls them Gamma Mushi and Papa Pepper!
Posted by Sabrina at 4:30 PM
We truly are the "happy" schlesinger family, minus little Mattie at times who loves to hear herself scream, and not in the cutesy way either! But we will sway her to our side very soon :)
Posted by Sabrina at 11:00 PM
A little adventure to Wildlife Safari last Monday.
Posted by Sabrina at 10:59 PM
These are some of my favorite photos of the gilrs as of lately. Beautiful girls!
Posted by Sabrina at 10:58 PM
Bath time at the Schlesinger's.
Posted by Sabrina at 10:57 PM
I actually don't enjoy driving at all, but we are on our way back up to Maple Valley this weekend for a wedding of two of our friends, Summer and Shaun. They are a part of our "Newlywed" small group in Roseburg and we are thrilled for them. So we are leaving tomorrow morning (still haven't packed yet!) and will be up there through Sunday (HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL OF YOU MOM'S). Then we are heading to Bend, Oregon from there for a pastor's care meeting. Never been to either, so it will be fun to see what the care meeting is like, but I am more excited to go to Bend. I hear great things about it all the time. We will be back in Roseburg on Tuesday, so probably no blogging for me until I get back.
By the way, we have two new "converts" to our little blogging community! The Jones family from Camas, WA and Tammie and Jim Mabry from Maple Valley! So thrilled to have expanded our little online family! I am still working on a few. Someone in Camas needs to get Jeremy Carmichael to start one.
I love you all. This has been so nice to have this little outlet to connect with you all. When you move away from your "home" and transplant to a new place, it is nice to talk and continue relationship with those that are close to you. I haven't had this much communication since I moved from Maple Valley 4 1/2 years ago. Thanks everyone!
Posted by Sabrina at 10:23 PM
I am a proud wife. Not only is my man good looking, but he is a good preacher. Those who have not been around him for some time would be rather surprised at how much he has grown in his public speaking. But it is through a lot of practice and he is in the word of God every morning at 6:30am! He is digging for himself a deep well and I love him all the more for it!
Posted by Sabrina at 4:28 PM
This may not be that interesting to you, but this is me playing the keyboard while leading worship at Generation Church (our youth and young adult church). It has been a dream of mine to be able to not only lead worship vocally, but also with an instrument. I am FAR from a talented musician, you may not even consider me a bonifide musician, but it gets the job done and I love it. Thanks to people like Kerrianne Gregg for investing so much of their worship heart into mine and teaching me some of the basics of piano!
Posted by Sabrina at 4:27 PM