Hey everyone! I just had to write about our experience yesterday, it was so much fun and so exciting. But first a little history. Matthew and I and our leadership team for our youth group came up with a ministry we are calling "Outhouse Ministries". Matthew preached a message on this at Generation Church a few months back. The short story...if we don't get our "stuff" out, we will implode and die. Just think about it for a minute...you will get it! So, once a month for right now we are adopting an apartment complex in Roseburg to outreach to. But we are not going and cramming the Bible down their throats, all we are doing is blessing them and serving them, bringing them food and seeing if we can meet any direct needs. This apartment complex is one of the worst neighborhoods in our city, busted for Meth labs, police are there all the time. So last night was our first night going, we took about 30 teenagers and young adults and it was INCREDIBLE! I was so expecting to get some doors slammed on us, and to my surprise, everyone was so nice and open and glad we were there...the cookies and brownies helped that for sure! There is something exhilerating about doing the gospel outside of the 4 walls of the church. I seriously have been on an adreniline high from it, I mean it is 2AM and I am writing about it! Anyways, I wanted to capture the moment in writing. Hope you enjoyed it and are inspired by it!
Posted by Sabrina at 1:55 AM
We now have a blog! Matthew has been asking me, "Why are you doing this?" and I keep telling him b/c I have seen other people's blogs and have enjoyed them so much that I wanted to make available something that our friends and family can go to for new news and pictures. When you live far away from all the people you grew up with and your close friends are now scattered all over America, and sometimes the world, something like this can make it seem not so BIG!
So, just a quick update. We are living in Oregon where Matthew and I are youth and young adults pastor's at Garden Valley Christian Assembly. You can check out our website for our "youth group" at
www.remixgeneration.com! We are loving it, although we NEVER thought that we would be working with teenagers. Young adults, yes! But teenagers!!! God has most definately placed an overwhelming love for them in our hearts and we are honored to do it for as long as He sees fit.
Our family has grown. We are now a family of 4! Sophie and Mattie are the highlights of each and every day! What can I say, I have amazing children and love them more than words can describe. We absolutely love being parents and thank God for allowing us the opportunity to be the parents of these two beautiful girls. It is certainly an honor.
Well, that is all for now. We miss and love all those who have been a part of our lives in the past and we hope that we can either continue or begin to stay in touch with all of you better. Relationships are important!
Much love!
Posted by Sabrina at 11:30 PM
December 26, 2004! Sophie is 2 1/2 and Mattie is 8 1/2 months. Matching pj's thanks to Grandma Karen.
Posted by Sabrina at 11:29 PM
Sophia Love, August 2004, 2 years old!
Posted by Sabrina at 11:28 PM
Mattie Skye, August 2004, 4 months old.
Posted by Sabrina at 11:26 PM
Posted by Sabrina at 11:25 PM
I just want to welcome everyone to my first blog...actually my third, but it has taken me this long to figure it out. I pride myself in being computer savy, but I have had a rough time with this! Oh well, I am on now. I hope you all enjoy this small peek into our lives here in Roseburg, Oregon.
Posted by Sabrina at 11:07 PM